It is a simple issue really. How independent do you feel the need to be? How independent are we now. I feel a bit old school. I do not like the idea of having to log onto the net to use a simple ap to word process, build a spread sheet, or edit a photo. I like having all of MY software on MY computer.
Yes, I know, I only have a license to own it. But in the moment-to-moment use of that software, and the instant I am inspired to embark on a new project there is a satisfaction. The satisfaction that the tools I need are waiting on my laptop or at home. For the moment, I seem to need this.
And yes, I do work as part of a virtual team quite often. We phone, we email, we iChat and even skype. Online groupware sounds cool. Do I need it? Probably not. Will it be more effective, more efficient? We’ll see. Basecamp and Collective X both look promising.
But what if I have an urgent issue and need to work. The electrical storm knocked out my cable, my electricity. Or, worse… I forgot to pay the cable AND the phone bill. Then what? A trip to Starbucks?!? More likely a long run or bike ride through the woods. I guess work could wait.